Kirkham has an opportunity to regenerate over the next decade. We've set up the Kirkham Futures website for you to find out more about the vision, and have a say in Kirkham's future.
Get Involved and Have Your Say!
Regeneration takes time and there are a number of ways for you to get involved in shaping the future of Kirkham. During the programme (until March 2024) there will be a number of engagement activities to get involved with.  Please register or subscribe to the Fylde Council newsletter so we can easily invite you to the different engagement activities as we publish them.
Get Involved

The High Street and the Market Square are the beating heart of Kirkham.  It is the Kirkham community which keeps it beating by shopping locally, opening new businesses and coming together for social activities and civic celebrations.

The Vision is to revitalise historic Poulton Street, Preston Street and the Market Square by:

  • restoring & re-purposing key buildings with new uses
  • improving the visual appearance of the shops and streets
  • introducing new and more diverse uses such as skills employment & training; new leisure and restaurants to encourage and offer a more enhanced economy
  • placemaking – high quality urban design, enhancements to public realm and making the centre more attractive to families, shoppers, and visitors

Our Masterplan ambition

The long term Masterplan and Projects to take us forward until March 2024 have been identified to meet the two key aims of the Future High Street Fund (FHSF) and High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Fund:

'to deliver structural transformation through capital investment in land, buildings, and infrastructure.'


 ‘to renew and reshape town centers and high streets in a way that improves experience, drives growth and ensures future sustainability.’

Kirkham has been successful in its application to Historic England for the HS HAZ. Alongside this, Fylde Council were also successful in its bid to government for Future High Street Funding. Together with key stakeholders, Kirkham Futures is a 4 year programme of work to revitalise the town centre.  This regeneration will represent the biggest investment in Kirkham in a generation. 

Six Key Principles in our Future High Street Bid

Principle 1:
Physical Regeneration
Investment in physical infrastructure, restoration of historic buildings and improvements to public realm.
Principle 2:
Acquisition and assembly of land to support new housing, workspaces, leisure, training, greening and evening economy.
Principle 3: Better Connectivity and Active Transport
Providing more space for pedestrians in the town centre and better links to the town centre, while reducing the dominance of traffic and parking.
Principle 6: Strong identity and governance for Kirkham community
Enhancing local knowledge and appreciation of the heritage of the town through a rich programme of community led activities.
Principle 4:

Supporting change of use, especially for the empty building and empty floors above the shops encouraging more people to come back to live and work in town centre.
Principle 5: Adapting to new behaviours and technologies
Supporting adaptation of the high street in response to changing technology and new working, shopping, and leisure preferences. 
HS HAZ funding banner