Important Information

Closure of ginnel - Kirkham Community Centre to Poulton Street Monday 10th June-Wednesday 12th June 2024

Kirkham Futures - Highways Works & 4 way traffic light signals 12th June to 21st June

Kirkham Futures - Poulton St Road Closure 2 - 6 April 2024

Kirkham Public Realm advance notice of Public Realm Works (.PDF)

Kirkham Public Realm - Design and Access Statement (.PDF)

In partnership with Historic England, the Government's Future High Street Fund (FHSF), Lancashire County Council and Kirkham Town Council we have secured funding to help revive Kirkham’s historic town centre streets and open spaces.

It is an exciting opportunity to re-energise Kirkham's historic high street by celebrating its existing character and qualities and create a more vibrant place where people choose to visit, live, work and invest.

A town’s Public Realm generally refers to the built environment – the streets, pavements, street furniture, trees and so on.

This ambitious project seeks to undertake enhancements to Kirkham's public realm and create a coherent enhanced townscape quality which make it a much more pleasant place to live, shop, visit and enjoy.  

To deliver this process Fylde Borough Council has appointed a team led by The Paul Hogarth Company, an award-winning Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Company who will formulate and deliver plans to improve the outdoor spaces – including the town’s central streets and famous Market Square.

The contractor appointed to carry out the works are Eric Wright Civil Engineering Group.

Artist impression of improved pedestrian areas on Poulton Street

The current streetscape in Kirkham includes a mixture of different material types, finishes, street furniture and signage. The cumulative effect of these piecemeal changes and additions to the streetscape can distract from the overall heritage character of the town.

The town centre environment is presently traffic dominated in parts, particularly around Market Square, with severe traffic movement around the present Poulton Street, Preston Street, Freckleton Street and Church Street mini-roundabout.

It is aimed to create a much-improved Market Square that will allow greater use for markets and events as well as the narrowing of roads and widening pavements to increase pedestrian space and creation of outdoor seating/dining areas.

Alterations are also being proposed to on-street parking and extra planting of trees and shrubs to create attractive tree-lined areas. It is hoped that through rationalising of ‘street clutter’ and by raising awareness to the existing heritage assets, the town’s historic character can be restored, while at the same time creating new opportunities for people to feel pride and connection to their town.

To ensure the proposals best reflect the needs and desires of the community, a series of consultations were carried out.

Feedback from these consultations has helped us to shape a vision that is uniquely about Kirkham, revitalising the town and bringing with it tangible positive change for residents and visitors.

The Public Realm works will consist of improvements to the footways and carriageways, the extent of which can be seen on the below plan. This includes Poulton Street from its junction with Church Street, Freckleton Street and Preston Street and continuing up to Kirkgate on both sides. Works will also take place on Market Square.

Previous Design - Updated Masterplan Design at top of Page

The Public Realm Improvements will include new lighting, green bus shelters, new street furniture, planting, including semi-mature trees, and artwork that includes bespoke railings, pavement art, architectural lighting and a mural that chronicles Kirkham’s historical past.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and vehicular access will be maintained where practicable.

Works will be ongoing from 9 January 2023 until April 2024.

 Signage will be erected at both Eagles Court and Market Square to indicate where alternative parking is available within the town.

During the construction period and in line with the planning permission granted for the scheme, the contractor’s hours of work will be as follows:

·       Monday-Friday 8:00am – 18:00pm

·       Saturday 9:00am – 13:00pm

The Public Realm works will involve unavoidable disruption to businesses and residents for the duration of the planned works mainly in the form of improvements to the pedestrian footpaths and highways, however pedestrian access will be maintained at all times via a diversion of the existing pathway around the construction works. You will be notified in advance of any overnight road closures, which will be kept to an absolute minimum, via local signage in advance of work taking place.

Where possible, motorists are advised to take alternative routes into the town centre that avoid the above mentioned roads and streets and to allow additional time for their journeys.

Commercial premises/businesses are advised that deliveries may be affected by the ongoing works and early notification to delivery drivers of the proposed works is advised.

The appointed contractor for the scheme is Eric Wright Civil Engineering and the contact details for the Project Manager are as follows:

David Bagley

Project Manger

Eric Wright Civil Engineering



P: 01772 698822

M:07900 820814


You can also keep up to date with the Public Realm Project and the wider Kirkham Futures Programme in the following ways:


·       Visit -

·       Contact the team on 01253 658658 or;

·       Email -

We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during these essential works.

Get Involved and Have Your Say!
Regeneration takes time and there are a number of ways for you to get involved in shaping the future of Kirkham. During the programme (until March 2024) there will be a number of engagement activities to get involved with.  Please register or subscribe to the Fylde Council newsletter so we can easily invite you to the different engagement activities as we publish them.
Get Involved
HS HAZ funding banner