Lancashire County Council has made an Order Under Section 14(1) (a) of the Road traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect will be to temporarily prohibit traffic on the roads to set out this Order.
The road closure, indicated by the road closure signs shown on the diagram below (or via the link above ), will be in place on Poulton Street from 7am on Wednesday 21st February until 5pm on Thursday 29th February 2024 to carry out essential works under the Kirkham Public Realm Scheme.
Eric Wright completed installation of base and binder material to the carriageway on Wednesday 7 February, with the exception of one small area on Preston Street. Binder was laid to the area on Thursday 8 February and it remains the intention , at this stage , to re-open the carriageway on Friday 9th February 2024 as planned.
Base and binder works have been undertaken during the current road closure however final resurfacing will now need to take place at a later date on 21 -29 February 2024
As stated above the road will re-open on Friday 9th February 2024, but will close again from Wednesday 21 February 2024 through to Thursday 29 February 2024. (we hope that the contractor will be in a position to reopen the road for the weekend trading period 24th & 25th February and we await confirmation of this)
This is a significant undertaking which will require multiple large construction plant and wagon movements during the period.
On completion of the closure, the carriageway will have its final finishes and be fully open to traffic.
Two-way temporary traffic lights will be in place on Church Street to accommodate access to the Church, School, and residents
Access to Church Street should be from Preston Street via the two-way lights which will be in place.
There will be no through route along Poulton Street from Freckleton Street and Preston Street. Traffic approaching from this direction expecting to get onto Poulton
Street will be turned away.
Access to Church Street will not be available from the West/Freckleton Street with no through route along Poulton Street.
Access to Birley Street should be from the West of Poulton Street.
Access to Poulton Street from Mill Street up to the Junction with Kirkgate will be available throughout the two-week road closure for deliveries and for parking and
access to businesses in this area. This will be controlled access.
Please note There will be no access to Kirkgate from Poulton Street.
Eric Wright Civil Engineering will assist wherever possible with deliveries during the closure although the area will be strictly access only.
Bus users MUST check changes to timetables and diversion routes prior to travel.
You can contact Stagecoach Travel on 0345 241 8000 between 8:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday and between 09:00 and 17:00 Saturday and Sunday. You can also visit the website at
You can also contact Blackpool Transport on 01253 473001 between 11 am and 3 pm, email [email protected] or visit
Alternatively,please visit for changes to bus services and diversions during this period.
Access to Mill Street Car Park, Kirkham Community Centre Car Park and Morrisons will remain available throughout the works and all car parks remain open.
Access to the carpark at the rear of Kirkgate will be via the signed diversions in place.
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the ongoing works are now available on the Kirkham Futures website.
You can also keep up to date with all the latest news on the Kirkham Public Realm Scheme and wider Kirkham Futures programme including further information in the following ways:
Eric Wright Contacts
Eric Wrights temporary site offices are located at the Eagles Court car park to the rear of the Market Square shops.
Project Manager, Dave Bagley, is available by prior appointment and can be contacted via the following email address [email protected]
Ian Rogers is the site Foreman and available on site everyday email [email protected]
The site contact number for general enquiries is 07971361836